We would like to extend a HUGE welcome back to school after the summer break from all of the team at Elementa.
Returning to school after the summer holidays can always be an anxiety-ridden, exciting and frantic time for teachers. No doubt this year will again feel different for teachers, pupils and parents alike, particularly as some children have not been at school as much this year.
The new academic year can also be the beginning of a new chapter, starting afresh with a clean slate. Naturally, we are all hoping for a smoother year of teaching!
Reflect and review
Often, the summer holidays provide a good opportunity to reflect on the previous academic year. Was there anything that went particularly well? Are there any ideas or initiatives that you would like to implement this year?
Having assessed how successful you’ve been in your teaching, and re-evaluated areas that maybe you’re less confident in, it can be valuable to ask for advice from trusted colleagues. Also, it can be really beneficial to focus on some independent reading, which can often be a great source of new strategies.
Please see our previous post for further ideas that may be helpful: It is the end of the school year – congratulations! .
Be prepared
The start of the school year will certainly be smoother if you’ve got everything ready ahead of time. The more prepared you are, the better you will feel, so it’s best not to leave it to the last minute!
The 2021-22 academic year starts now
So whilst for some the autumn term stretches out interminably, for many it is a fantastic opportunity to hit the ground running, eager to accomplish their goals.
Here’s to your success this academic year – all the team at Elementa look forward to working with you and helping in any way that we can.