Complete a Reference

All candidates who work via Elementa are vetted rigorously to ensure total compliance with industry standards and guarantee the best quality of education professionals. As part of our vetting process, we require several kinds of references. Please choose from the following referencing options and complete the required forms. If you have any questions, contact our recruitment team on [email protected].

Teacher Reference

If you have known one of our candidates in a teaching capacity and are able to testify to  their teaching ability, rapport with students and staff and other key criteria, this is the reference to complete.

Non-Teaching Reference

If you have known one of our candidates in a non-teaching capacity (working as a teaching assistant, support mentor, administrator etc) and are able to testify to their general abilities and experiences, this is the reference to complete.

Character Reference

If you have known one of our candidates personally and you are able to provide reference to their character, outlook and other personable traits, this is the reference to complete.

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