Welcome back to School!
We would like to extend a HUGE welcome back to school after the summer break from all of the team at Elementa. Returning to school after the summer holidays can always be an anxiety-ridden, exciting and frantic time for teachers. No doubt this year will feel different for teachers, pupils and parents alike, particularly as […]
Welcome back to school!
The Elementa team would like to extend a HUGE welcome back to school after the summer break. Returning to school after the summer holidays can be an anxiety-ridden, exciting and frantic time for teachers. The new academic year can also be the beginning of a new chapter, starting afresh with a clean slate. Reflect and […]
Welcome back!
We would like to say a very big welcome back to all the staff that have returned to school today. We hope you have had a good break over the Christmas Holidays. Currently we are busily preparing for the Team-Teach courses we are running over the next couple of weeks.