International School Library Month 2020

International School Library Month 2020

International School Library Month (ISLM) is celebrated around the world throughout October every year. It’s a great time for children to visit their own school library and browse through the variety of books available to them. ISLM is an opportunity for those in charge of school libraries to choose a day, week, or even the […]

How is Your New School Term?

How is Your New School Term?

Whilst there has never been a start to the Autumn term quite like this, we hope that these initial weeks have gone smoothly and that the new school term has now settled into a comfortable rhythm. Schools returning after the summer holidays is always a busy and demanding time for Headteachers and all School staff. […]

DfE told to consider forcing schools to take trainees

DfE told to consider forcing schools to take trainees

Last week’s Times Education Supplement article ( ) describes the government being advised to consider whether there is value in “mandating schools to play an active part” in teacher training. The article refers to a report published by the MillionPlus Deans of Education Network and National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers. It calls on the DfE to convene a “cross-sector […]

International School Library Month

International School Library Month

  International School Library Month (ISLM) is celebrated around the world throughout October every year. It’s a great time for children to visit their own school library and browse through the variety of books available to them. ISLM is an opportunity for those in charge of school libraries to choose a day, week, or even […]

It is the end of the school year – congratulations!

It is the end of the school year – congratulations

It is the end of the school year – congratulations! Whilst some teachers have already enjoyed the first days of the summer holidays, many others are just reaching the finish line today! Whether you flew through the year, or soldiered through the final weeks, you should be proud of the work you achieved with your […]

Congratulations – it’s the end of the School year!

Congratulations - it's the end of the School year!

Congratulations for making it to the end of the school year! For those of you that don’t break up until Wednesday, chin up and keep battling on! Whether you swept across the finish line or hobbled over it, you should be proud of the work you accomplished with your students. Before you head off for […]

Does your school have its CPD planned for the coming academic year?

Have you planned your CPD?

At Elementa, we understand teachers and leaders in every school are striving to overcome numerous challenges to deliver a first-class learning experience. We provide flexible in-school support, training and coaching in a wide variety of areas of school improvement such as behaviour management, leadership effectiveness, high-quality teaching and learning, as well as team building. Elementa […]

Does your school have any last-minute recruitment requirements?

Don't panic and call Elementa

The end of the academic year is rapidly approaching, but if you still have vacancies for the Autumn term, don’t panic! The Elementa team frequently source outstanding candidates for our Schools even at the very last moment. This can sometimes be due to Schools being let down, maybe long-term illness or by people changing their […]

Have you planned your CPD for September?

Have you planned your CPD?

Have you planned your CPD for September? Elementa offers schools and teachers a vast range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provided by a network of professionally qualified, highly-experienced trainers. INSET courses and independently accredited CPD courses are delivered in settings from Nursery through to Further Education. Every teacher in the UK is required to undertake […]

Does your School need staff for September?

Need School staff for September?

Is your school fully staffed for September? If you still have vacancies for the Autumn term, or perhaps have been let down by people changing their minds at the last minute, don’t despair! The Elementa team regularly find excellent candidates for our Schools even when there’s very limited time. Over the years, we have helped […]

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