Each year, one day is set aside to encourage everyone to avoid using cars and instead use public transport, cycle or walk. The World Car Free Day is on September 22nd each year, with events organised in a variety of cities and countries.
The day aims to take the heat off the planet for just one day each year by encouraging people to be less reliant on their cars and instead to try various alternatives. The day also promotes the improvement of mass transit, cycling and walking as well as the development of communities where shopping is within walking distance and jobs are closer to home.
Car Free Day helps to showcase how our cities might look, feel and sound like without cars and hopes to influence politicians and city planners prioritise cycling, walking and public transport. In fact, studies have shown that in cities, short trips are quicker by bicycle than by car.
Reimagine event for World Car Free Day – London
Reimagine is a new event to celebrate World Car Free Day on Sunday 22 September 2019. London’s biggest celebrations will take place on more than 20 kilometres of closed roads. These are around Tower Bridge, London Bridge and the City of London. For further details, please visit Transport for London’s website: https://tfl.gov.uk/status-updates/major-works-and-events/car-free-day-2019
Walking to School
For schools, Walk to School Week in May is a popular initiative that encourages parents to walk their children to school. It aims to reduce traffic on the roads close to schools. Please see our article here for further details.