World Teachers’ Day is held on 5th October each year and is a day to celebrate the unique and essential role of teachers. It is commemorated in every country and continent of the world.
Teachers are vital to improving the lives of children around the globe. However, attracting young teachers to the profession has been a major challenge globally. It is essential must empower young teachers are empowered to shape education and teaching to deliver quality learning for all.
At Elementa, we actively help those considering a career as a teacher and are also proud to support a number of Schools and trusts taking on graduates to join their team in teacher training. Elementa are the only provider that offer Team Teach and Safeguarding training as part of a graduate’s teacher training.
What is World Teachers’ Day?
World Teachers’ Day is also known as International Teachers Day. Is is the initiative of UNESCO and has been observed every year since 1994 to honour teachers and recognise their contributions to education and its development. at the initiative of UNESCO and has been observed every year since.
There are many events organised on this day to emphasise the importance of teachers and learning as well as to raise the profile and increase awareness and understanding of the teaching profession and its importance in society.
For further information on the day, please visit the UNESCO website: