Is your school fully staffed for September?
If you still have vacancies for the Autumn term, or perhaps have been let down by people changing their minds at the last minute, don’t despair! The Elementa team regularly find excellent candidates for our Schools even when there’s very limited time.
Over the years, we have helped in pretty much every possible scenario… on one occasion, a school asked us for two science teachers just days before the start of the new school year!
At Elementa we appreciate the vital role that all teachers and support staff have in the efficient running of the school. We swiftly find qualified candidates that have the skills and experience to fulfil these positions.
Elementa provide suitable teachers and staff including:
- Senior leadership roles
- Teachers, head of department etc
- NQTs
- Teaching assistants
- Technicians
Feel free to get in touch and let us know how we may help on 0117 325 9523 or [email protected] .