Whilst there has never been a start to the Autumn term quite like this, we hope that these initial weeks have gone smoothly and that the new school term has now settled into a comfortable rhythm.
Schools returning after the summer holidays is always a busy and demanding time for Headteachers and all School staff. This new school term has had additional challenges for obvious reasons, which is why Elementa have been doing all we can to support the transition back to School.
After delivering online training sessions and support during lockdown, Elementa have been on-site once again, offering training in Schools. We have been busily helping Headteachers source last minute teachers as well as providing critical safeguarding training and COVID preparation to School staff.
During the first week of School alone, over 150 staff received positive behaviour training in partnership with Elementa across local schools. This training and support is ongoing, indeed, we are already booked to deliver courses in schools through to the half term holidays and even have bookings in January 2021!
We are here to help, so please do get in touch if you are facing a challenge or if there is anything we can assist you with.