Unfortunately, our experience certainly agrees with the BBC’s article at the weekend: “Worsening child poverty harms learning, say teachers” ( https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-47902642 ).
It is tragic that in these modern times there are still young people going to school without having had any breakfast.
We are currently working to help raise funds for a school that have noticed many of their children are not getting breakfast before coming to school. It is a simple truth that hungry children will find it much more difficult to learn and concentration levels will also be affected.
We are raising money to provide toast for every child in this school that we are working with each day until the end of the School year. Hopefully we will continue into the next academic year, but our current priority is providing toast until July.
Hungry children will not fully engage with lessons and education. We want to support these children and to help them to achieve their best.