The end of the academic year is rapidly approaching, but if you still have vacancies for the Autumn term, don’t panic!

The Elementa team frequently source outstanding candidates for our Schools even at the very last moment. This can sometimes be due to Schools being let down, maybe long-term illness or by people changing their minds at the last minute. We are always very happy to step in and assist in your hour of need!

What you can expect from Elementa:

We recognise the essential role each and every teacher and member of support staff have in the efficient running of Schools. We swiftly identify high calibre candidates that have the qualifications, skills and experience to fulfil these positions.

Feel free to get in touch and let us know how we may help on 0117 325 9523 or [email protected] .

Looking for your next role?

Leave your details and we will be in touch to discuss your next steps!