Did you get one?

Did you get one?

Has your school received a delivery from Elementa yet? The Elementa team have beeen posting out communications to Schools as part of our ongoing efforts to support teachers, Schools and trusts. We work closely with our partner schools, supporting them with training, consultancy, strategic planning, all whilst making budgets work go further. Be sure to […]

World Teachers’ Day 2020

World Teachers' Day 2020

  World Teachers’ Day is held on 5th October each year and is a day to celebrate the unique and essential role of teachers. It is commemorated in every country and continent of the world. Teachers are vital to improving the lives of children around the globe. However, attracting young teachers to the profession has […]

World Teachers’ Day

World Teachers Day 2019

  World Teachers’ Day is held on 5th October each year and is a day to celebrate the unique and essential role of teachers. It is commemorated in every country and continent of the world. Teachers are vital to improving the lives of children around the globe. However, attracting young teachers to the profession has […]

World First Aid Day 2019

World First Aid Day

  September 14, 2019 is World First Aid Day, an annual campaign to highlight the importance of first aid training in saving lives and preventing injuries. World First Aid Day was launched in 2000 by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IFRC). Worldwide, more than 100 societies of Red Cross and […]

New Reception Class Starting

Starting School Reception Class

  This week for many children is the very start of school life as they join their Reception class. For children leaving preschool behind them, starting Reception can be a big step. However, there’s lots that schools can do to make sure this is a positive experience. This transition is truly successful when the children […]

Welcome back to school!

Summer is over - time to officially remember what day of the week it is

The Elementa team would like to extend a HUGE welcome back to school after the summer break. Returning to school after the summer holidays can be an anxiety-ridden, exciting and frantic time for teachers. The new academic year can also be the beginning of a new chapter, starting afresh with a clean slate. Reflect and […]

Does your school have its CPD planned for the coming academic year?

Have you planned your CPD?

At Elementa, we understand teachers and leaders in every school are striving to overcome numerous challenges to deliver a first-class learning experience. We provide flexible in-school support, training and coaching in a wide variety of areas of school improvement such as behaviour management, leadership effectiveness, high-quality teaching and learning, as well as team building. Elementa […]

What are you reading over the summer holidays?

What are you reading this summer?

The end of term is almost here, and the long summer holidays are about to begin, which means lots of time for reading! At Elementa we love to read a good book. With the long (and hopefully sunny!) days of summer here upon us, it is really relaxing to settle down with a great book […]

Does your school have any last-minute recruitment requirements?

Don't panic and call Elementa

The end of the academic year is rapidly approaching, but if you still have vacancies for the Autumn term, don’t panic! The Elementa team frequently source outstanding candidates for our Schools even at the very last moment. This can sometimes be due to Schools being let down, maybe long-term illness or by people changing their […]

Have you planned your CPD for September?

Have you planned your CPD?

Have you planned your CPD for September? Elementa offers schools and teachers a vast range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provided by a network of professionally qualified, highly-experienced trainers. INSET courses and independently accredited CPD courses are delivered in settings from Nursery through to Further Education. Every teacher in the UK is required to undertake […]

Looking for your next role?

Leave your details and we will be in touch to discuss your next steps!